F@H Mobile Monitoring

  • Monitor your folding system(s) from everywhere with the convenience of your mobile device or watch
  • Change configuration of your folding system(s)
  • Quick overview of the status of finished and active work assignments
  • Receive notification when your official statistics got updated
  • Visualize protein in a 3D viewer

Story behind the app

is an initiative run by Stanford University managing a distributed computing setup based on computing power provided by individuals like you and me to support basic scientific research. This distributed network of computer systems use to determine the multiple ways proteins changing their shape.

The shape of a protein itself is crucial for its function. If it is folded into a good shape a protein will work "as designed"; if a protein misfolded its functionality might be limited or in a worst case dangerous for the body. This can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's and many kind of cancers. Understanding a protein's transition from a good shape towards a bad shape can lead to the development of a cure or even better preventive measures. The following is a good starter for further reading.

In case you are (now) interested to support this research and join the cause you can do so by downloading the (currently actual version 7.4.4) for Windows, macOS or Linux. The software, once installed, will contact the server from F@H and ask for assignments of little work packages to be processed on your system; by either the CPU or graphic cards (GPU, depending on the model and drivers; currently only nVidia and AMD models are supported; subject of change). Once the computation of an assignment is finished the result will be send back and analysed/post-processed by the involved scientists further. For each successful returned work assignment you will receive credits as appreciation. More details/technical support you can find via the link provided above.

Assuming you are already an active donor and have one or more computer participating, this app FAHMM Mobile Monitoring might be useful for you. It basically allows you to monitor the progress and status of your folding slots while not being near your systems (e.g. in the living room, garden, shopping or at work). It also enable you to change aspected of the configuration of your folding systems or visualize proteins in 3D your computer are working on.

This app was primary written with my own needs/wishes in mind to monitor my folding systems. If you, like me, enjoy the flexibility of mobile devices like iPad, iPhone or Apple Watch, please try the app and let me know if you have any additional requirement with respect to the functionality; please use the contact at the bottom of this page.

How does it work

This mobile app require that you in addition have at least one computer with the software from F@H installed.

  • Install the folding client on your Windows, macOS or Linux system

  • Prepare remote access

  • Basic config.xml file for a client

  • Adding folding client to FAHMM on iPad or iPhone

  • Advanced methods to add folding clients via hyperlink

  • Advanced methods to add folding clients via Bonjour / mDNS


Add unlimitted folding clients

All your folding clients can be added to the application for monitoring. This provide you a quick overview on whats going on in your folding environment.

Change Client Configuration

You can change most of the configuration of your folding clients from within the app. Adding new CPU or GPU slots, changing settings like client types or slot-size for CPUs and many more. Of course starting, pausing and stopping too.


You can review at any time the results of work unit performed on your monitored folding systems; e.g. to compare performance and share results with the community.
The capabilities are right now simple but will be enhanced in later versions.

Easy sharing

Did you always wanted to know what performance a certain graphic card would have ? A soon coming feature will get you access to (anonymous) results of fellow donors; once you shared results of yourself.


Everyone likes its privacy. Understandable. So do we ...


If you opt-in the backend system of FAHMM will send you periodically the offical credits to your mobile devices as notification.

3D Viewer and video recorder

You might also enjoy the beauty (yes!) of proteins when folding. For this the app provide a protein viewer incl. a 3D mode in combination with red/cyan glasses. The visualised trajectories can be stored as image or recorded as video. An area of functionality where a number of enhancements are planned, too.

RSS from F@H

FAHMM provide optional access to the official RSS blog provided by Stanford. This allow you to get updates on what happen on Stanford's side without leaving the monitoring app.


Are you also too lazy or have many clients on- and off your network; try discovery via Bonjour/mDNS

Contact us

We’d love to hear from you. Any constructive critics, feature requestes, suggestions, if needed also bug reports or any other feedback is always welcome.